Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What is Wrong With me?

So, my last post was in April. Wow. I am way too lazy for life.

My original goal when I started this was to hit my goal weight by February 2011. It is now December and I can safely say...That shit ain't happening.

I have no real reason, other than to say, I hit a wall. A big, heavy brick wall. August came and I hit the halfway point, and I was looking good and feeling good. And then I just, stopped. Surrendered. I told myself I was taking a well deserved break, and then I was going to come back and hit it harder than ever. Yeah, that clearly never happened. I wish I could tell you why, but I really don't know that answer. I just gave up. So here I am, December is tomorrow and I have gained back ten pounds of the forty that I lost. It was quite the wake up call. I called my best friend and begged her to start working out with me. We are doing Chalean Extreme every day now, (With a brief hiatus for Thanksgiving), we are on week three, and I haven't lost any inches yet. Why, you may ask? Well I will tell you.

I have been eating like a cow.

I still have my weight watchers membership, and they just overhauled the points system. Someone must have noticed that Meg Strong was being a lazy ass and decided I needed a kick to to pants. Or they did it based on the millions of OTHER people on the plan, but whatever. It's my blog, that makes it my world.

So I am starting from scratch. Day One is today. My new goal is Next August.

It's going to be a looooooooong winter.
