Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Are you talkin' to me?

When you diet, there is this little voice in the back of your head saying, "just one corn dog, no one is going to know. You will still look pious. CORN DOG, YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT," (The voice starts yelling and taunting at the end because it's an asshole). So how do you ignore the voice? Well, if you are me, you ignore it by spending time online, looking for a healthy recipe for corn dogs in hopes that you can savor the flavor you soooo cannot get out of your head. But, Meg, you ask (we are having a rhetorical conversation now) there really isn't a healthy recipe for chili cheese tater-tots. And you would be correct in that. So here is my advice: Leave the debit card at home, empty your wallet of cash, and just starve that little voice. If you cannot resist temptation, wait it out. Sit at your desk, grow a set, and eat the healthy lunch you brought with you to work.

At some point this stopped being a rhetorical conversation with you and became a get over it talk to myself...


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Motivation must Prevail

Life is too short to be out of shape. We have the opportunity to extend our lives and look beautiful just by maintaining a healthy diet and working out on a regular basis. Who wouldn't want that? This is what I have been repeating to myself this past week to keep me motivated!

There is only one problem that seems to occur every time I decide to become healthy: I lose my motivation.

I think the root of losing my motivation is my laziness. I always seem to find excuses (my legs hurt, I'm tired) to wiggle my way out of working out. Who am I hurting? Me. The only person that is affected by my laziness is me. I'm tired of looking down at my body and frowning. I want to turn that frown upside down. I am going to take a few pointers from Meg and find a person I can look to with an achievable body type and hang it on my fridge and bathroom mirror. Maybe I will even take one to work and in my car. I am determined this time and I made it through the entire first week without skipping a single work out. I have also cut out fast food, cigarettes, and sodas. I can already feel the difference.

Here's to looking megahawt in 2010.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Making New Friends

Fatigue is my worst enemy. I've always been a sleeper. I can notoriously fall asleep anywhere. That's not the problem. I get plenty of sleep (most of the time) but I still have problems with maintaining a decent energy level throughout the day. Working 8 hours, and going to night classes afterwards is a huge challange for me. I would really rather stay in bed all day long, but life must be lived, so I go to work. I go to school. And more often than not, I go meet up with friends after class each night. I have been entertaining the possibility of a thyroid issue, knowing that my mother had thyroid problems while pregnant with me. I got my blood tested just to see where the levels were at, and for the most part everything looks normal. So what could be causing this extreme fatigue?

A few weeks ago, Meg told me she had started doing yoga workouts in the morning before work. I decided to give it a try, even though getting up early enough to fit in a session of yoga seemed daunting. And the first morning, it was. I was so groggy I could barely keep my balance...and that happens to be a key issue in mastering most yoga positions. But, I noticed later in the day that I actually had energy. Could it be that simple? A little physical activity actually does the body good? WHY HASN'T ANYONE STUMBLED UPON THIS CONCEPT BEFORE?!! Oh, wait...

Needless to say, yoga and I are friends now. And I don't feel like I'll end up being that girl in the office that shoots the place up due to fatigue induced rage.



Blog post today has been cancelled due to child like joy and freezing weather conditions. Check back for more bitching soon.

PS. Running in the snow with two of my best friends was the best workout I have had in a long while.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I have become completely obsessed with food.

I honestly just spent a good thirty minutes converting my grocery list in to a spread sheet. I really wish I could say that this behavior was out of sheer boredom, but really, I have been wanting to do that for a long time now. These incidences are becoming more frequent. I spend almost two hours at the grocery store, I start planning my next shopping list the day after I shop for the week, I spend inordinate amounts of time on the Internet looking for recipes. Have I gone insane? Is this normal? And weight watchers only adds to this OCD I have developed. I spend hours looking up point values for fast food to see how gross it is, or putting every ingredient in there to find out how many points my favorite cake is worth.

Last Friday I sat and looked up the point values for booze. Every different kind. I was really wanting to have a drink and was very curious if I was going to have to forgo food that day to get drunk. The answer is that I would have to skip lunch if I wanted to catch a buzz. I didn't. I savor every single bite of food I am allowed to put in my mouth. Its sad really. I feel like I have sacrificed my more fun self to the health Gods. My dirty little secret though, I am loving it. It gives me a reason to talk and write, and read about food all the time with out anyone going, "No wonder she's chubby." Its more like, "She's finally treating herself well."

And I am. Good for me Right?

Signing off to Google the Point value of a mojito,


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Trading Drinking and Smoking for Beets and Sprouts

I remember being 16, and running cross country for my school. I would accomplish more before 2nd period than my last 4 years combined. Now I'm lucky if I don't get winded going up the stairs after work. I mean, I'm only 23, but the long nights I've spent (and continue to spend) during my post high school days have taken a toll on my health. The drinking, the smoking, the only getting 3 hours of sleep before working a 10 hour shift. Why do we do these things to our bodies? It has become far too easy to forget about my health. I'm a twenty something, I don't have roommates, and the only person telling me what to eat is myself. The only person telling me when to go to bed is myself. I've noticed I'm a terrible enforcer. I will let myself eat that entire pizza, or stay up until 4am. I must admit, this freedom is something I've craved since I started driving. But these days, I know it's bad because I crave my mothers "well balanced meals." I used to hate the idea of eating those odd veggies, and I didn't understand why she served fruit for dessert. Today however, give me that fruit. Give me beets and brussel sprouts. I won't complain. I've decided that when my body tries to tell me something, I'm going to start listening.

Motivated and Attentive,

So Sue Me

I've never been overweight. I've always been able to eat whatever I want and stay within my healthy weight limits, but I've never looked the way I wanted. I'm sure there are some people out there that are jealous of my size, but honestly it is really hard to be in the middle. You have the the people who are bigger than you telling you that you are thin and the thin people telling you that you are big. It plays with your head and you never feel happy. My body doesn't change. It takes a serious amount of work for the tiniest result. Often, the work required is so daunting because I know I can eat a whole cake and still fit into my clothes. I don't want to be able to fit in my clothes, I want to look good in them. I don't turn heads because I'm AVERAGE. I hate that word.


(I choose to keep my name anonymous, thanks.)

It's a beating.

Just FYI, I am not one of "those people," but I want to be.

I would really love it if I hopped out of bed, found my work out clothes and skipped happily out of my bedroom to start the day with a smile on my face. Unfortunately, my alarm makes me want to die. My work out clothes make me want to die, and the thought of skipping makes me want "one of those people" to die. How do they do it? Are they just born that way? Do they come out of the womb going, "Man I just ran five miles, my head is so clear, I feel GREAT!" ? If that is the case, why wasn"t I born that way? I feel like I came out of the womb going, "Fuck me that was alot of work, I deserve a chilidog for that."

Here I am though, working out anyway. I joined Weight Watchers too. I really just want to lose some pounds this year. Is that too much to ask? A few (or several) measley pounds? I was talking to one of my best friends that said the most depressing thing I have ever heard when I mentioned that I am ready for working out to be easier to make myself do. He says to me, "I mean this is an idea that we have to get used to for the rest of our lives if we want to stay healthy and young looking." God, are we at the age where this is something that we should be worried about? Thanks alot Josh for that little seed of doubt in my youthful vision of immortality.

Save us all.