Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I have become completely obsessed with food.

I honestly just spent a good thirty minutes converting my grocery list in to a spread sheet. I really wish I could say that this behavior was out of sheer boredom, but really, I have been wanting to do that for a long time now. These incidences are becoming more frequent. I spend almost two hours at the grocery store, I start planning my next shopping list the day after I shop for the week, I spend inordinate amounts of time on the Internet looking for recipes. Have I gone insane? Is this normal? And weight watchers only adds to this OCD I have developed. I spend hours looking up point values for fast food to see how gross it is, or putting every ingredient in there to find out how many points my favorite cake is worth.

Last Friday I sat and looked up the point values for booze. Every different kind. I was really wanting to have a drink and was very curious if I was going to have to forgo food that day to get drunk. The answer is that I would have to skip lunch if I wanted to catch a buzz. I didn't. I savor every single bite of food I am allowed to put in my mouth. Its sad really. I feel like I have sacrificed my more fun self to the health Gods. My dirty little secret though, I am loving it. It gives me a reason to talk and write, and read about food all the time with out anyone going, "No wonder she's chubby." Its more like, "She's finally treating herself well."

And I am. Good for me Right?

Signing off to Google the Point value of a mojito,



  1. wow that is an obsession! haha. I dread going to the grocery store almost more than i dread cleaning my room, yet fast food is SOOO disgusting - so i just bite the bullet and go through with it. You should do it for me!?

    Seriously though, I need ideas for healthy stuff I can pack for lunch. I'm getting sick of fiber crackers, veggie sticks, and cocaine...

  2. Well darling, any sandwich on whole grain bread is a good option, avoid mayo, mustard is not bad for you in the least, so feel free to use that. If you get super motivated make some whole wheat pasta with red sauce and veggies and you can take that through out the week. It saves really well. I also have a really healthy recipe for pasta salad if you want it. Does that help out?

  3. holy crap, yes that does help :o) i'm retarded with cooking though, so i'll need your recipe for the pasta salad and the whole wheat dish, and then i'll need you or jess to show me how to physically make it. cause it'll be a disaster if i try on my own

    luckily i hate mayo lol
