Friday, February 12, 2010

Making New Friends

Fatigue is my worst enemy. I've always been a sleeper. I can notoriously fall asleep anywhere. That's not the problem. I get plenty of sleep (most of the time) but I still have problems with maintaining a decent energy level throughout the day. Working 8 hours, and going to night classes afterwards is a huge challange for me. I would really rather stay in bed all day long, but life must be lived, so I go to work. I go to school. And more often than not, I go meet up with friends after class each night. I have been entertaining the possibility of a thyroid issue, knowing that my mother had thyroid problems while pregnant with me. I got my blood tested just to see where the levels were at, and for the most part everything looks normal. So what could be causing this extreme fatigue?

A few weeks ago, Meg told me she had started doing yoga workouts in the morning before work. I decided to give it a try, even though getting up early enough to fit in a session of yoga seemed daunting. And the first morning, it was. I was so groggy I could barely keep my balance...and that happens to be a key issue in mastering most yoga positions. But, I noticed later in the day that I actually had energy. Could it be that simple? A little physical activity actually does the body good? WHY HASN'T ANYONE STUMBLED UPON THIS CONCEPT BEFORE?!! Oh, wait...

Needless to say, yoga and I are friends now. And I don't feel like I'll end up being that girl in the office that shoots the place up due to fatigue induced rage.


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